When You Go Out To The Woods Today You’re Sure Of A Big Surprise. Ticks. Lots Of Ticks.

Adult deer tick, Ixodes scapularis.

Experts are predicting a big jump in black-legged tick (aka deer tick) infestations this year because of a strange chain of events involving white-footed mice and acorns. Basically the white-footed mouse is a favored carrier for black-legged ticks because it is common, low to the ground and has few […]

Popcorn: It’s Good For You

Popcorn (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It turns out that one of the most maligned snack foods is actually pretty good for you – as long as you don’t load up on the salt or butter. Popcorn has been found to have a high density of polyphenols, a category of antioxidant that prevent damage to cells […]