Stories Waiting to be Found at Your County’s “Office of the Unclaimed Dead”

What happens when someone dies who has no assets – or friends or relatives – to pay for his burial?

As our society becomes more and more fragmented, and the economic crisis worsens for more and more people, your jurisdiction may be struggling to pay for the disposition of bodies of indigents. Or, perhaps you’ve […]

Holding a Death in Your Hands: What Autopsy Reports Tell Us about How Someone Lived

“The red/blue/green/yellow pants were cut prior to examination, revealing blue/red/white underwear. Black/white/green shoes were removed.”

“On the left dorsal hand is a monochromatic tattoo stating ‘kitten’ with an abstract design.”

These are the kinds of phrases that greet me every time I pick up an autopsy report. I have the job of […]

A Cholera Tale: A Muckraker’s Award for being Willing to Actually Look at Muck

In today’s hyper-evolving social media, with GPS mapping and crowd-sourcing of vast amounts of information, it might seem quaint, if not downright foolish, to believe that old school journalism’s low-tech and low-cost approaches — a pen, a pad, and shoe-leather investigation — could result in an article that ignites a global furor. We’re talking about […]

In the ER: A Frequent Flyer without a plane to catch

Sam is infamous. Nurses groan when they hear he’s at triage. He only has two states of consciousness — drunk or withdrawing from alcohol. Literally.

Sam usually comes to the ER or clinic by ambulance, often because a good Samaritan thought he wasn’t breathing as he lay in a soiled pouf of tangled blankets on […]

100 Years of Stamping Out STDs

This year, the euphemistically named San Francisco City Clinic celebrates 100 years of diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted diseases. That’s 10 decades of inspecting orifices and creating cutting-edge new media, from all the way back when old media was shockingly new. And City Clinic did it all while making sexual health sound fun and, well…sexy.


More on the Prison/Homeless Churn

How many people are homeless before they enter prison? How many leave prison with no fixed destination? Of the 70 percent of released prisoners who return to prison, what proportion are homeless?

If only for public safety reasons, you might assume the correctional system would want to know those numbers. But surprisingly, the California Department […]