Chile (and Haiti, and Katrina…): Preparedness lessons for you and me

We’ve entered a new arena of horror – where our Richter scale, for the first time, doesn’t seem to reach high enough, and adjectives are crumbling under the impact. “Devastation” or “catastrophe”? None of the usual descriptors feel powerful enough.

So as punched-gut news of another urban area implosion reaches you today, this one from […]

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-26

Haiti: at Stanford for Relief 2.0 conference. Great info on moving into more coordinated care- esp for vulnerable groups. # Want to follow Haiti Relief 2.0 conference at Stanford re: health and use of social media? Hashtag: #KLF2HAITI #

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-21

Having a Haiti moment at JFK: there is apparently debris all over our runway (source?). We have to go around, on a bus, dragging our bags. #

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-20

live chat NOW! where we report LIVE from Haiti on our medical disaster relief trip – #

Haiti Traveling

How quickly we humans normalize even the most extreme scenario – as long as we see it over and over. By now, it seems perfectly normal for our fringed-draped bus to 4-wheel it over piles of rubble. We automatically get out and walk up the steep dirt-road hills of this large urban city while she […]

Haiti: Things Shift

Even the predawn day began a little differently. The shrill distant stadium cheers of hundreds of Haitian roosters sounded oddly synchronized, as though perhaps they were doing the wave. There were more dogs keeping the beat with incessant, rhythmic barking.

Dogs in Haiti are everywhere underfoot, seemingly ownerless. It is something of a shock, after […]