Joy: Is Your Legg Stanky? Why Not?

Here’s a great argument for not overthinking the sources of joy that pop up in our lives. It’s a passionate defense of the

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new dance move, the Stanky Legg, with some great video clip links so that you too can learn how to Lean Into It . I dare you to watch […]

Well Worth It: Vitamin (D)on’t Get A Cold…

If you have asthma or emphysema, or if just you hate blowing snot out your nose while coughing up play-doh, you want to

Image by Thai Jasmine via Flickr

make sure your vitamin D level is over 30 ng/ml (or, depending on the lab’s reporting units, >60 nmol/L). A recent, thorough, well-designed study shows that […]

Well-Worth It: Avoid Drive-Thru Liver

If you’ve seen Super-Size Me, you already may have some idea that eating fast food on a mega-dose, daily

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basis is not great for your liver. Now, however, researchers have been looking at the effect of what is, basically, crap food (lots of trans-fats, lots of carbs) on the liver. This latest […]

Elephant in the Peanut Butter Jar

Here’s a thorough, well-researched health article that completely misses the most obvious point. The topic?

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Was there a deadly lag (of many months) in identifying the peanut butter – spread of Salmonella, and, what contributed to it. Not once is the following, let’s say hypothetical, scenario mentioned.

Here’s the way it works:


Upright, Direct Suction

You may ask yourself – in case of widespread disaster, how will you know where neighborhood healthcare providers live?

Image by david ॐ via Flickr

If these types of thoughts are keeping you awake at night, read the Doc Gurley post on Do It Yourself Sleep here’s your answer: check mailboxes for boulders of junkmail.


Joy Habit: Escape to Paris!

Are you Normale Superiere, or just Grand? These are the kinds of delightful questions that you can ponder

Image by graham chandler via Flickr

as you plan your immediate escape – to Paris! In these depressed economic times, there are very few things that can 1) boost your joy habit and are also 2) affordable, […]